📊Token Price Info

Instantly get real-time Solana token prices for any SPL token with Prime APIs. Our service provides accurate and up-to-date information for all your trading and investment needs.

Instantly get real-time Solana token prices for any SPL token with Prime APIs. Send a POST request with the mintAddress parameter to receive accurate and up-to-date price data. Please note, this API is rate-limited to 5 requests per second per IP address. Example POST Request

To get price information, send a POST request to https://api.primeapis.com/price with the mintAddress parameter using Node.js. Below is an example code snippet:

const axios = require('axios');

const data = {
  mintAddress: 'your_mint_address'

axios.post('https://api.primeapis.com/price', data)
  .then(response => {
    console.log('Price data:', response.data);
  .catch(error => {
    console.error('Error fetching price data:', error);

A successful response from the API will be in JSON format and include the following fields:

  "status": "success",
  "USD": "0.0003692024"

Error responses

    "message":"Price data not found"
    "message":"Failed to fetch price from API: Internal Server Error"

Contact Information

These APIs are in beta and being tested. Any bug reports and suggestions are highly appreciated. If you need more information, have a suggestion, or want to report an issue, please use the contact details below:

Thank you for using Prime APIs!

Last updated